Table Talk

I call this post “Table Talk.” I’m sure you can imagine the contents of what you’re about to read if you decide to stay.

Last Wednesday we read a devotional that was slightly deeper than my kids could grasp. It ended up being an all day conversation because they, especially Addalyn, was seeking understanding. The devotional ended up being an all day conversation and that’s ok. I was doing my best to bring awarness to such a heavy topic, but it was difficult at that moment. So, I grabbed my bible. I went to the fiery furnace and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo. I was inspired to read that to them based off of my sister who mentioned it in her testimony. This piece in history is very impactful to our spirit in standing firm against adversity. Children are faced with so much adversity and confusion today that it’s ridiculous. What these young men faced in their time is practically no different that what your/my child is facing today. These young men had a strong faith in God that He would deliver them. He would protect them and HE did.

We discussed how brave they were. They stood against adversity and had faith in the Lord. They were our table talk conversation for the rest of the week.

To go off on a little rabbit trail, I’d like to add a feature song with our table talk conversations. Last Monday, I heard my daughter singing Goodness of God. There it was. We have been playing it often and singing it often. How beautiful is it that it’s perfectly linked to our Bible lesson. We have no idea what happened to the Israelite boys. We can imagine them singing Goodness of God after being traded to Babylon, coericed to some Babylonian traditions and customs, and then to ultimately be thrown in the furnace to be saved revealing God’s omnipotence. God was faithful. He was always faithful. They saw his goodness. Oh how we can relate to this and teach our young children of it. It’s history that continues on.

This week we will continue in the book of Daniel. It will be interesting to hear the comments on God turning King Neb into a beast. Hope you enjoyed this week’s Table Talk. What have you been discussing with your littles?

*Great Video for you kids to watch*

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