
“His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”


A truly established heart will stand firm during trials.  God’s word is a strengthener. It guides, it directs, it brings peace in every circumstance. Every house has a builder, but God is the builder of everything (Hebrews) My thoughts -God appointed me to be the builder of my home.  God will give me the strength…

To the baby who horrifically died.

I have to talk about it. It is eating me alive.  This past week a horrific crime happened to a sweet, innocent 16-month old baby. I won’t go into the details other than my heart broke. Children are the most precious gift that anyone could every ask for. They are the purest example of Christ’s…

Family of 6-WHAT?!

This blog was formed for so many purposes. One purpose is to share where I am as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I fully believe we are called to be vulnerable with each other and with that vulnerability brings humility, sacrifice, strength and so much more. Of course not everything needs to be…

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